Friday, January 7, 2011

My top movies of all time

Every year, AFI comes out with their list of the top 100 films of all time. People gripe and complain but most of all, they talk about film, and that's worth it. So in addition to my other subjects (100 things you should eat before you die, and What you should be listening to) I'm going to start reviewing some of my favorite films. For now, please go out to

I expect there will be a lot of griping because certain films did not make the list. That doesn't mean they aren't some of my favorite films, but above all, these are my top 25 of all time. For example, none of the Indiana Jones films are on the list. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade comes in 39th. To date, I have reviewed 537 films. If you are wondering, Spy Kids 3D:Game Over comes in dead last.

Here are my Top 25 movies

1) The Blues Brothers, 1980
2) Schindler's List, 1993
3) To Kill a Mockingbird, 1962
4) Batman Begins, 2005
5) The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars Episode V), 1980
6) True Grit, 1969
7) When Harry Met Sally, 1989
8) The Bridge on the River Kwai, 1957
9) The Godfather, 1972
10) The Godfather: Part II, 1974
11) Home Alone, 1990
12) Leon: The Professional, 1994
13) Aladdin, 1992
14) Blazing Saddles, 1974
15) City of Angles, 1998
16) Ghandi, 1982
17) Young Frankenstein, 1974
18) The Breakfast Club, 1985
19) Malcom X, 1992
20) Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975
21) Paint Your Wagon, 1969
22) Pulp Fiction, 1994
23) There's Something About Mary, 1998
24) Unforgiven, 1992
25) Up, 2009

Until tomorrow,

Peace, Love, and Hollandaise Sauce!

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